Look Around

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Confirmation Daybook

Right now...All my children are laughing and joking in the kitchen. Dinner is over and its the lull before clean up. It is so good to here Sam laughing heartily. Johnny is enjoying his peanut butter cookie immensely and will require his second bath of the day. His favorite dinner seems to be Chicken Tikka. I love watching him eat it up and ask for more.

A little later...I'm doing some more lesson planning. I'm feeling inspired and creative and called to create some plans to bring a quieter, simpler way to help my children contemplate the liturgical year. I'm also looking ahead and trying to map out the next few months.

This week...The usual dance, with a new step thrown in. Wednesday Sam gets another X-ray, which will hopefully show bones still in their proper place. If so, its on to the fiberglass cast over his splint. If not, well, its  a whole new set of plans.

And Confirmation for my big girls next Sunday. I love this sacrament! I'm praying hard for them and so thankful for the faith-filled young women they've become.

Living the Liturgy...All this planning, I feel like I'm swimming in the rhythms of the Church. Its actually quite nice. Confirmation! And believe it or not, two weeks late Anna makes her First Communion. There are a few more things I want to touch on with her. Did I mention my niece is getting married at the end of May? Yeah, lots of Sacraments. Lots of family. Busy, but all good.

In the schoolroom...plans. Continue to travel around India with the little girls. Sam will get to work slowly, likely lots of reading and math. The big girls continue moving on with their plans.

In the kitchen...We're in the soccer practice pattern which requires careful planning on Mondays and Wednesdays so that dinner can be prepared by a teen at home, or is ready to eat from the crockpot or oven when we walk through the door. I'm doing pretty well so far.

Its Easter!...About a week ago I was feeling overwhelmed and very out of sorts. This week is better. I'm not looking to for an instant fix, so better is good. But it struck this week that I'm hanging back in the cave. Christ is risen! Anna says Happy Easter! to me every single day. This week I resolved to really live it. He is not in the tomb. I should not be either.

I am praying...for my girls and a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit. For Fr. Jack, a dear priest, who is very ill again. Please join me in praying for him. He is such a gift to our parish.

I am thankful...that I live in a country where my son can get prompt, appropriate medical care. For the knowledge and technology, used for the proper means, to heal and keep us healthy.

Johnny this week...After 4 girls in a row, I am delighting in little boy play. He is all about walking (and trying to run) everywhere, climbing, cars, trucks and of course, balls. He is going to be the class clown as we can already see how he loves to makes us laugh and does all kinds of silly things if he thinks it makes us happy. He still doesn't say mama, but he's learned how to shake his head to say no.

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