1. We survived two very hot days without air-conditioning. As fate would have it, the very next day after getting it fixed, the temps outside dropped nearly thirty degrees. Ah yes, spring in suburban D.C.
2. I successfully convinced a medical service provider that they were double charging me because my FSA had already paid the patient balance due. A "zero payment due" letter is on the way. This took several phone calls and (very) long times on hold while keeping 8 children quiet enough to explain the problem.
3. I am remaining calm about the swine flu.
AWESOME!!!! What a great list. Thanks for sharing your calm. I haven't given #3 another thought aside from handwashing. We're in God's hands! Enjoy the cooler weather!
we are more or less calm on the swine flu as well. believe me, i do have paranoid moments, and was about to dial the pediatrician. but i hung up before it started ringing.
Totally with you on the swine flu. Remaining calm, but trying not to read the news too much. Love the blog, btw!
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