Look Around

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Very Good Day

Since the little girls are reading through Beatrix Potter I decide today we would go to the Farmer's Market. I love going there. The kids love going there. By the end of our time there today I kept asking myself why we haven't gone more.

It was just about a perfect morning. Sunny, breezy, just warm enough. We found a great parking space. The children eagerly ran into the pavilion. What a feast for the senses. Hanging in the air was the musky aroma of perfectly ripe cantaloupes mingled with sweet fuzzy peaches. If you thought about it, you could catch the smell of a lovely ripe tomato. Stand after stand with tables loaded up with deep yellow smooth squash (a variety I've never seen in a store), dark green cucumbers in every shape and size, rosy tomatoes, fiery tiny hot peppers, fresh bread, mountains of fresh corn. I always love when the children can take pleasure in simple things. So we went from stand to stand, sharing the "love", buying something from each farmer. Let me tell you, $30 at a farmer's market goes a long way. I even got a delicious cup of hot coffee for free (I must go back next week and buy some, it was really good). The kids insisted on buying an early lunch and sitting down to eat in the grass just outside the pavilion (it is in small city park in Old Town). The lure of the peaches they sampled was just too much for them. So we did. We pulled our ground blanket from the van and sat down to peaches, cucumber and apple turnover. We watched a few trains go by and wondered what we could make for dinner with our treasure of fresh food. After a quick clean up, we gathered up our bags and headed off to another errand with our souls as well fed as our stomachs.

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