Right now...Just returned from many many errands. Too many. Somehow jumping back into our busy activity schedule caught me off guard and Mondays are particularly busy. So I'm feeling a little disoriented, pondering how different life was just a year ago as I tried to help my preemie make up his lost time in the womb by snuggling him close all the time. A year later, the dear boy still loves to be held, all the time.
A little later...Feed a quick dinner to everyone (except Dave), run Sam to basketball, where we'll be met by Dave so I can be home quicker and don't have to take John out in the cold night.
Speaking of cold....Brrrrrr! Hoping for some global warming, but the forecast doesn't hold out much hope.
Later this week...Tae Kwon Do (Have I mentioned I am joining in with Anna once a week? I'm getting pretty good. We had a 2 week break so I'm thinking tomorrow is going to hurt a little bit.), more basketball, co-op, a family portrait, a family party, a basketball game...
Live the Liturgy...I know the Church celebrated the Epiphany on Sunday, but traditionally it was celebrated on January 6 (it may still be in other countries throughout the world). Our family tradition is that the grandchildren spend the night at Abuelo and Abuela's on the night of the 5th and celebrated "King's Day" with a big breakfast in the morning. Besides Christmas, I think it is one of my children's absolute favorite days of the year. The way things have worked out this year, Johnny and I will be spending the night too.
Keeping the home...New (much longed for) furniture will arrive this week, so the front room needs deep cleaning and major reworking. Not quite as intense as Elizabeth, but work nonetheless. Having to make room means things in other places, like the schoolroom have to make way. I feel purging coming our way.
From the kitchen...Now that the holidays are over it is time for serious meal planning. One of my goals this year is to cur our grocery bill drastically. My sister gave me this great book for Christmas and I baked some today, with dough left for 2 more loaves. I'm hoping to get into a regular dough mixing/bread baking routine. I was also intrigued by Elizabeth's idea of blogging through a cookbook. I've great success (and compliments) on the free recipes I've cooked from the Pioneer Woman. In fact I gave each of my sisters a copy of her book for Christmas and had decided I really did want one of my own...
Thankful for...my teens. Just between you and me, my girls are awesome. :)
Praying for...an old friend of the family, very ill. My mother-in-laws twin brother, recovering from a stroke. Colleen.
Reading...Finished Catching Fire in one day. It is so good, I wish I hadn't because now I have a long wait. Thinking of delving deeply into Pope Benedict's Caritas In Veritate after watching a brilliant discussion about it on EWTN.
Creating...um, a redesigned front room? Does that count?
From the schoolroom...Need to rework schedule and routines now that I have a better idea of what the basketball schedules will look like. I think the little girls will keep working the Holy Land and then step over into India, with much more simplicity than we approached Africa. In my zeal, though we learned a lot, it was a constant feeling of being under the gun to just finish.all.those.books.
Picture Thought...
Johnny a year ago. That's a newborn diaper he's laying next to and one of the smallest onesies we owned.
I LOVE the Pioneer Woman. She is so funny and her recipes are fabulous!! I hope Elizabeth decides to go through a cookbook. I would join in a heartbeat. My other favorite is Barefoot Contessa. So Good!
Happy New Year!
did you like the bread? i made some already too, though next i want to try the recipe for soft sandwich bread.
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