Right now...Teens still sleeping. Coffee brewing. Sleepy baby in my lap. He didn't get the memo (again) about how night time is for sleeping. I can hear little girls and one big brother playing a game in the basement. Sam is so good to his little sisters, he even agreed to dress up for their game.
A Little Later...Starting the beef stew in the crockpot. It is cold and gray outside. Stew bubbling away in the crockpot sounds wonderful. No Spanish class which will really make today a quiet start to the week. Thank God.
This week...A small Thanksgiving with my parents since my siblings will be other places. We'll miss them and pray they have blessed days wherever they are.
Special today....please pray for my friend Mary Beth and her family as they welcome a new baby boy. We can't wait to meet little Justin!
Living the Liturgy...Advent! I LOVE Advent. I love pulling out the ever growing tub of books. I love the wreath. I love the prayers. I love the chocolate calendars. I love the baking. I love preparing little hearts to welcome the King of Kings. I love preparing my heart. I love it all! Last year was difficult. It was right at the start of Advent that I realized my pregnancy had entered the world of "high risk" and the next few weeks would be full of waiting rooms and ultrasounds. My body felt ill and completely fatigued. My heart and mind worried and worried. The season went by and my memories are a bit hazy and confused. Little did I imagine my surprise Christmas present. But that is another post. Maybe I'll post my Advent plans later this week.
From the Schoolroom...I may finally get my "simple" week. We'll add in some Thanksgiving stories for the little girls and maybe we'll make pumpkin pie, just for fun.
Thankful for...Anna's Tae Kwan Do school. We were really blessed with how the class came together (many thanks to Mary Beth, yes, the one having the baby). It has been so good for her. She loves it. And this past Saturday she got to compete in her first school tournament. I know I was way more nervous than she was. When the time came she did her forms with confidence and beauty. She remembered how to do her attack/defense. Her hard work (we practice a lot at home) and concentration earned her two gold medals, first place in her division. This came on the heels of bad news from the eye doctor. My poor Anna has some serious vision problems. It is a miracle she has learned to read with such ease. We'll know more this week about how strong her *first* prescription needs to be.
Picture Thought...
She won!
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