Right now...I can hear kids in the basement, laughing at the extras on Shrek 2, even John. I do not hear the dryer which means I'll have another load to fold and put away.
In a little while...we are going to soccer practice. Unless the skies open. I'm trying to be cheerful about having to go to practice on Labor Day.
This week...school! The "real" start. I'm excited. I think most of the kids are. I just have one more kid's schedule to tweak for this week and we are ready to go. I'm hoping that this careful laying out of the week will become a regular habit. Since I am faithfully using Google Calendar, it is easy to see how to make changes with each week's activities. Of course, there is the nagging fear that *something* will happen and blow it all to smithereens. But I will not fear.
A heavy heart...so many grieving families. I wish I could type something meaningful and deeply spiritual. But I just don't have it...all I can do is pray. And, I will not fear. (Can you see that first reading on Sunday really got my attention?)
Around the house...My first reaction is to heave a big sigh of weariness. But then I really think about where things are at and I just need to relax a bit.
Since cleaning and organizing things in the basement, it has been very manageable. Meaning, it really can be cleaned up and vacuumed in half an hour at the most.
The front room looks very clean and uncluttered almost every single day.
The kitchen is the well used and loved heart of our home. It is not nasty or filthy, but full of people and school and pencils and paper and books and....well, you get the picture. So, I keep doing my best to keep it as tidy and uncluttered as possible.
The schoolroom/sunroom...this IS my big sigh. It is holding our things well enough, but ugh, beyond that I just well, hate it. I need some kind of major inspiration or idea. I just can't get a vision to make this the real working space I dream of.
Bedrooms...um, they're okay. Definitely room for improvement.
Laundry...too behind again. I'm working on it.
In the kitchen...back to very careful meal planning. The busy schedule won't have it any other way. I am absolutely committed to cooking healthy, real food. Some menus up this week...North African meatballs (actually the whole menu from the episode- in honor of kicking off our Africa studies), whole wheat pasta with escarole and butternut squash (Wegman's magazine), tortellini soup with spinach (also from Wegman's), Chicken salad, Tomato soup with cheddar biscuits...looking good so far.
Living the Liturgy...We'll celebrate Our Lady's birthday tomorrow. I'll slip out very early tomorrow morning and get donuts. Ssssshhhh, its a surprise for the little girls. On Wednesday we'll read about Peter Claver for Circle Time.The kids and I have all agreed that Thursday's teatime will be devoted to going over the upcoming readings for Sunday. We have all committed to making this a real habit. It should not be a problem with Anna being the taskmaster about teatime.
Thankful for...every single moment with my children.
Fall...my favorite season! Almost almost really here. I can't wait to pick apples. Can't.Wait.
John...my boy, he just has his own schedule. I'm so delighted to notice this week that outfits that were still too big for him just a few weeks ago, now fit him just right. A few onesies are maybe a little too small! Of course, these are 3-6 month clothes and he is 8 months, but I'll take whatever I can get. And he is more and more interested in food. All good. I will not fear.
Picture Thought...at the laptop, so no pictures. Here's something to imagine: Me, hand feeding John tiny bits of scrambled egg, he eagerly leans forward, with his tiny mouth open wide, and he grins every time I get a piece in his mouth.
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