Yesterday Anna brought home All By Myself by Mercer Mayer from the library. Generally I don't let these in the house because, well I hate them. Sorry for any fans out there, but I find them ugly and a little disturbing. But it was one of those moments at the library where I needed to leave quickly and quietly and checking out the book was going to help that happen. So here it is, in my house.
Just now Kay was looking through the book. All of sudden she calls me over. "Look Mama! He's making his little brother be like a dog! He trained him!" Perplexed at what she could mean I wandered over to have a look. On the page was the little critter (the main character) proclaiming: I can look after my little sister. And there is little sister, outside with him, in one of those kid harness things and (for lack of a better word) a leash. I think Kay was thinking at least none of her older siblings ever put a leash on her. She also sounded rather impressed at the older brother's "training" ability.
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