Look Around

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Secret Weapon

After many many many (did I say many?) ways of planning our lessons and our weeks, using various free and purchased (oy!) specialized "lesson planners", I present to you, by far, my (and I stress my) perfect planning tool.

Yes, this plain spiral notebook (this very brand!) is planning nirvana. Purchased as packs of 10 for $1 at Target in back-to-school frenzy.

I love it because I can just write the day of the week and use as much or as little room as I need to outline my goals for each child. As we go through the day, I just write in a different color what was accomplished and any notes about what was fantastic and what didn't work. Then, at the end of the week, I just tear out the perforated pages and stick them in my binder.

The other favorite is this beautiful planner from Family-Centered Press. Perfect size, simple and Catholic. I just purchased nature journals from them that arrived this morning. These are amazing quality for an unbeatable price. I think I will be purchasing more, as my older children want them too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog..sounds like a great family..