Look Around

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

By Sun and Candlelight

We lost power last night. Just for a little while. It was fun. We lit candles and all sat in the living room together. I admit, because she always has amazing things up her sleeve, I wondered what Dawn would do in this moment. Various conversations were overheard...

"Sam's Tamagotchi could die you know."

from Kay "I think I saw an alien."
from Kay "Papa! All the lights in the house burned out. Fix them!"

from Carmen "I'm really scared." This one prompted me to light one of our blessed candles, the Mary candle I call it (because it is in a blue votive holder), get down on my knees with Carmen and ask Our Mother Mary to look after us. Carmen was much relieved and then told everyone that everything was going to be all right because her and mama had said a prayer.

Everything was just fine. And I rather enjoyed our quiet hour of candlelight.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful memory, Marisa! It sounds like the evening turned out just right. :)

(And thank you so much for your kind words!)


Angel said...

LOL Your house sounds a lot like my house (including the aliens.) Except my house is sort of the reverse of your house, with 4 boys and 1 girl... who is fervently praying for a little sister!!