Look Around

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday

My, how time flies!

A week since I posted. We haven't even been that busy. I do fins its been hard to get very motivated as we were dealing with a covering of ice over everything. The February blues also set in to a small degree.

I have many wonderful new ways to teach the children, especially the little girls. I am also reworking the learning space to accommodate them more. I am planning and putting together activities for them that I can rotate through. I know, more planning, more to organize. My hope is that this bit of work up front will make our school hours flow much smoother and keep me from um....yelling at the little girls or sitting them in front of the T.V. I commented on the 4Real Boards that you'd figure I'd be a pro at this by now. But every year is new twist and challenge. In the end, isn't that what living life is about?

Also, the Blessed Mother saw fit to answer a prayer very generously and so I have some "extra" monies to spend on wonderful new materials.

My biggest regret for not blogging regularly right now is that I have been unable to keep up as much as I like with all the lovely women I have come to know through the 4Real Boards. Many of them are in my blogroll on the right. But I am missing so many more. And I would have loved to link all the lovely things they have been up to.

This has prepared me for Lent in some respect. I will continue to blog throughout the season, but I will have to work on giving up the feeling that I must post something, I must read all my friends.

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