Look Around

Monday, September 04, 2006

Blessed Chaos?

My children were gone for two days, spending time with their grandparents. It was sooooo quiet in the house. And dark, because of course no little girls ran around turning on every light in the house.
It was very restful. It was great way to gather some energy for everything coming our way this month; co-op activties, schoolwork and of course the baby. I especially loved just being alone with Dave. It wasn't even that we spent every moment together. He played some on the computer, I did some lesson planning. We went out and bought lamps, had lunch, slept late, whatever occurred to us. I think it was that we didn't have to share each other with anyone else. He was all mine for a short time and I was all his.
We did miss the kids very much. Besides the quiet, there was an emptiness in the house that didn't feel quite right.
I have to tell you though, if you could hear the scene right now as little girls get their baths...well, I should probably oversee the chaos before someone gets injured.

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